New Year – Same Old World, New Gadgets

Aaaannnnd…. thanks 2016!

See ya!

Wouldn’t want to be ya.

Whew! I’m exhausted and it’s only January 8th. Naive me , I thought things would get better in 2017. The first week of the year has passed inexplicably fast and the awful news already has my head spinning. Bad news? Yup! Who would have guessed? Disaster in Fort Lauderdale, California is bracing for some monster storm, and politicians are still behaving… like politicians.

I want to go on a news purge. No news in my life. The world seems out of control and I feel helpless to change the world around me. Oh I could protest against unjust politics, but I can’t stop a storm, or a mad man in Florida… so I’m going to take action and control what I can, me.

I’m still on a journey to fitness and general health. Last week, I purchased a Fitbit.


Me, with a Fitbit. LOL, LOL, LOL… (catches breath) LOL, LOL, LOL!

I’m still learning how to use this little gadget, and it’s already nagging me like a second mother. “Keep walking… come on now sweetie… 100 more steps this hour… did you drink enough water?” I can’t get away from my text messages, my phone calls, my notifications, even my heartbeat is constantly being monitored.

It’s a Fitbit Blaze, and it feels slightly uncomfortable around my wrist. Can’t decide if it’s because it’s actually uncomfortable or because I don’t like to literally be nagged by technology. Technology I paid for, with my own hard earned money. Technology I can’t afford but I felt I needed.

So, in 2017 I paid to be nagged. Uncomfortably nagged. Thanks 2017!

I’ve also been looking for some easy to make, low carb, vegetarian meals. I’m looking, but I haven’t gotten the gumption to start cooking something so healthy. I’ve been eating yummy but non-vegan fair.

Vegan substitutes will be used if possible, but yesterday I had a baked Camembert with hot chili flakes and honey, served with a crusty bread. OMG! Nothing can compare. So yes, it was unhealthy, carb heavy, and vegetarian, but not vegan. It was the perfect example of a fallen vegan bacchanal.

Next week, it’s my mission to find at least 5 low carb vegetarian/vegan meals and to make at least 3 of them. I’ll keep you updated on anything that nears success. I’ll probably keep you updated on the fails too… because I can almost guarantee they’ll be at least 2 or three of them.

Well, my Fitbit just displayed a full green charge. Time to put that uncomfortable sucker back on and begin my afternoon. One nagging reminder at a time.