Are Vegans eating each other on Youtube?

As a fallen vegan, I’m doing my best to learn as much about veganism as possible. In today’s world, that means watching videos made by vegan vloggers on Youtube. At first I mostly watched the fun videos. Things like, how to make a vegan meal for $3 dollars or less, or how to make a vegan bento box meal. So far, most of these videos have been fun, informative and entertaining. I’ve especially loved watching vegan muckbang videos. MommyTang cracks me up! She always seems somewhat angry and sassy and very very hungry. I love it!

vegan vloggers

Recently, I’ve started noticing a strange trend. I guess there’s a famous vegan couple, one named after a yellow fruit, another named after a stinky fruit. They seem to be in the middle of some uprising. Some have been calling their ‘movement’ or ‘lifestyle diet’ a cult.

Let me say right off the top, I don’t know enough about these people to make an informed decision. I’m certain I’d be told by those that know and love these two folks that my opinion is irrelevant because I’m not even a real vegan. I guess there’s some imaginary scale, one that determines if you’ve got enough street cred to be a “true” or “real” vegan. Just trying your best isn’t enough. I’m not “vegan worthy” I suppose.

I won’t argue that point. I’m a fallen vegan. I try to do my best, but I’m not even close to perfect. Hell, when it comes down to it, I’m a shit vegetarian too. I recently ate chicken. I felt guilty as fuck, and I even felt sick, but I’m not good at dieting, and I’m even worse at wanting to be a part of a ‘movement’ or a ‘lifestyle’ if that’s what you’d call veganism.

Anyway, I guess this yellow fruit gal recently stole some content from a couple of young girls, and the yellow fruit gal justifies it by saying their channel didn’t have a lot of subscribers. She also claims it wasn’t their original content, (even though it was their original editing and Youtube must have agreed because they gave this yellow fruit gal a copyright strike) and if she did steal and monetize their content, which she denies, she claims she did it for the animals. She also claims that now that she’s been hit with this copyright strike, animals will suffer and die.

Mmmmm… ok. Can’t quite understand why she wouldn’t just say, “Oops! My bad! I was being lazy that day. I liked the content, but I should have asked. I’m sorry. I promise it will never ever happen again.” I bet if she had bothered to ask first, they would have been happy to lend her their content.

I’ve also heard her boyfriend, or ex boyfriend, has defended her and stated the two young girls who dared complain about this amazing yellow fruit gal should kill themselves. Wow! That would have frightened the shit out of me when I was a kid. Maybe he’s suffering from roid rage? Who knows.

The point of this  blog isn’t to bash the stinky fruit guy or the yellow fruit gal. The point isn’t to suggest their followers are part of a cult. The point of today’s blog is to express my shock at the infighting of a group of people who, from the outside, seem kind and peaceful. I’m shocked to see so much hate being tossed around by these fruit people and the people that hate on them.

This is exactly why I hate group think. When people decide they’re “TEAM THIS” or “TEAM THAT” it seems like it’s a perfect way to piss off about 50% of any large group.

Maybe that’s why I keep stressing I’m a fallen vegan. I don’t want to be labeled and put in a box. I want to be me. An outsider looking in. Someone who wants to learn, but not be a role model. Outsiders are observers. As an outsider, I can sit on a fence and never fall. (I know, the irony is strong) As an outsider, I can judge, or not judge, and not be dammed for my opinion. As an outsider, I can watch vegans eating each other whole, and wonder out loud why this is happening.


I feel like grabbing a large bag of popcorn with a healthy dash of melted Earth Balance so I can watch the show.

I don’t know who’s right or wrong. I have thoughts about the whole situation and I guess it isn’t hard to determine who’s argument I feel is stronger. But who am I to say who’s right or wrong. I’m just an outsider. A fallen vegan. A fake vegan.

Still, I’m kind of enjoying the show.