I’m Lacto-Vegetarian On My Cheat Day

Yesterday I was 100% vegan! Yay! I had chips and a diet A&W Root Beer for breakfast. I know, bad choice but I was really hungry and way too lazy to cut up fruit. For lunch I tried some fake orange chicken… meh. It wasn’t the best fake chicken so I broke out a can of chili beans and some crackers. Shit, are crackers vegan? Now I’m not sure if I was 100% vegan or not. Being vegan is HARD! For dinner I had the BEST vegan burrito, no the BEST burrito full stop, I’ve had in my entire life. I also had some amazing guacamole that I felt needed a wee bit of salt, but I didn’t add it because I knew would have my fair share of salt today.

Today I’ll be lacto-vegetarian, because tonight is pizza!


It’s Father’s day and I’m having pizza at my brother’s place. That means tonight I’ll be facing the hardest challenge I’ve had since trying to go vegan. Bacon.

Now, I’ve almost completely stopped craving meat. Almost. I still sometimes experience those mysterious phantom smells of BBQ or sometimes meatloaf. So I assume that’s my brain trying to get me to eat meat again.

I don’t think I’ll be able to skip the bacon without some type of cheat. I think, I hope, I pray, I can withstand the meat pressure if I have some cheese. If I was faced with eating a cheeseless pizza, I’d just cave and eat the bacon. I know, don’t bother telling me ’cause I already know, I’m weak.

Yes, I realize cheese isn’t vegan. Hence the name, Fallen Vegan. My goal is to try to eat a vegan diet at least 80-90% of the time, and have my cheat day be vegetarian. My belief is… if I make my cheats vegetarian, I won’t go back to being a full blown omnivore/carnivore.

That being said, I know bacon will be a real hurdle tonight. I’ll report back to let you know how the night went and to update you on the Bacon challenge. The struggle is real folks, the struggle is very real.

B- Because I really love you.
A- You’re Always on my mind.
C- I Can’t think of a C word…
O- I can Only make this rhyme.
N- Now it’s time to get back to the blog.

Holy shit, don’t ever let me write a song ever again.

#BaconStruggle2K16 #VeganPizza #LactoTolerante2K16


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