Drink Milk, ’cause it’s in everything!

Avoiding dairy is really hard!  It’s in my k-cups at work, in my frozen dinners, in my microwave popcorn, in the cheese flavoring in my chips… it’s everywhere! (Yes, I’m aware these are all bad foods anyway, but bear with me.)

Why you bein’ all up in my bizzzznass 24/7 you silly cow? #Cowspiricy2K16


However, knowing that I need to look for hidden milk in everything makes me look at labels in general, which is actually a good thing. I’m reading labels now, and I feel good about myself, and a little stupid too.

Stupid because I should already know what’s in the food I’m eating, right? How, or more aptly, why has reading labels suddenly become a ‘new journey’ and a learning experience? The real question is, why do I need to ‘learn’ what’s in my food? I thought I knew what was in my food just by looking at it. Silly stupid me!

DANG! I’m really starting to see why I’m so flippin’ fat! #bigFatCow2016

Meanwhile, I’m trying to figure out if my YEAR of being a vegan will be in the year from the date I started trying to be vegan, or when I’ve made it 1 entire year eating vegan only food. I can’t decide. What would you do? What would you consider a year?

‘Cause if my year of being a vegan means I need to go an entire year without fucking up, I may be doing this for the rest of my life. I can’t seem to get past 3 days without eating some sort of dairy product. The only way I see around this problem is to only eat food that I personally cook.

That. Is. Impossible.

I mean, it’s impossible, right?

Oh, and I nearly lost my shit yesterday because I bought some Morning Star burgers and I thought they were vegan then I heard not all Morning Star burgers are vegan. FML, what’s in this now! Then I saw this… CONTAINS SOY, WHEAT, MILK AND EGG INGREDIENTS. These are pizza burgers. Do you know what that means to me? Pizza and a burger, in one. I haven’t even tried them yet, but I’m already saying I’ve fallen. I need to try this veggie but not vegan burger.

Fallen Vegan Counter: 0

This week, I guess I’m a vegetarian.

Being Vegan is Hard! #FallenVegan2K16



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