Feisty = Feel The Burn

My ‘fake’ meat got a little touchy and aggressive. Maybe I’m just being sensitive, but I think it potentially got “ballsy” with me. My Beyond Meat was really friggin’ spicy and I couldn’t do a fair job judging it’s fake meatiness because it was so dang hot-hot-hot-hot! #FeistyMeat2K16 #FeelTheBernBurn
Fiesty Crumbles


  1. (of a person, typically one who is relatively small or weak) lively, determined, and courageous.
    “a feisty heroine who’s more than a pretty face”
    synonyms: spirited, spunky, plucky, gutsy, gutty, ballsy

    “the part of Annie called for a just-so balance of adorable and feisty”
    • touchy and aggressive.
      “he got a bit feisty and tried to hit me”

Looking at the above definition, I’d think ‘feisty’ might be a step above medium. Not quite HOT, but feisty. I wasn’t aware that “feisty” was code for burn the house down! Does this particular ‘fake meat’ normally burn your pie hole hella bad? I feel like I got an overly spiced batch of spirited, spunky, gutsy mouth-burning-fuckery.

And yes, I know I said I wanted to try spicy foods, but I wish I was aware of the spice before putting said pie hole burning matter in my tender little mouth. Granted, maybe all I needed to know was in the name, it does say “Feisty” on the package, but really… how smart does this company think I am?

I don’t see any flames, or red lettering on the packaging. Oh, you say there’s hot peppers in the photo on the label? Really? (Pauses for a moment to look at food packaging.) Yeah, well… ok. Now I see it.

Here’s a tip for this and any other company interested, maybe subtle isn’t the way to go when advertising spice levels in foods.

I’m going to say this was a miss and not a hit. I’ll try the other not so ‘feisty’ crumble, but this little adventure in fake meat has put me off to being adventurous. I might just stick with the chicken tenders and the veggie burgers until I’m ready to kick the ‘fake meat’ habit for good.

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